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  • Mathew

The Importance of Dry Ice Blasting

Introduction to Dry Ice Blasting. What is Dry Ice? How it Works | Types of Applications, the Advantages | How Safe is It? Read everything..

Dry ice blasting has been used to clean and polish surfaces for years, but many people are still unfamiliar with this kind of cleaning process. Since you’re reading this article, though, I assume that you have at least some interest in finding out more about dry ice blasting and why it’s such an effective cleaning tool. Here’s everything you need to know about dry ice blasting and how it works.

Introduction to Dry Ice Blasting

Let’s begin with a quick discussion about dry ice blasting, just to be sure we’re all on the same page. Essentially, dry ice blasting is a cleaning method that uses pressurized air to propel pieces of dry ice over an object. The ice melts upon contact and then freezes again when it comes into contact with whatever surface it’s targeting, providing an easy way to clean small areas (like jewelry) or hard-to-reach spots (like car engine bays). This process is a more effective alternative to messy liquids or chemicals and leaves very little residue. It’s also environmentally friendly—dry ice is made from carbon dioxide that would otherwise be wasted in landfills.

What is Dry Ice

Dry ice is just a form of carbon dioxide, which you breathe in every day. It’s a colorless, odorless solid that’s colder than -109 degrees Fahrenheit (-78 degrees Celsius), about as cold as deep space. When dry ice warms up to room temperature, it disappears into gas. This makes it very easy to apply because it can evaporate instantly—no warm-up needed. In fact, there are more than 200 types of dry ice blasting equipment on the market today.

How it Works

Dry ice blasting is a non-thermal method used to clean surfaces and prepare them for painting. It uses dry ice pellets that are shot at a high speed toward a surface. As these pellets collide with whatever they’re hitting, they freeze anything they come into contact with. This freezing creates micro-fractures in whatever surface you’re cleaning, essentially blasting it clean. Because it’s non-thermal, dry ice blasting can remove any type of dirt without damaging surrounding materials or products. This makes it especially useful in industries like manufacturing where there are multiple components that need to stay safe and untouched when cleaning takes place—think delicate tools or solar panels that are part of a larger assembly and need maintenance but don’t have time for regular cleanings.

Types of Applications

One of dry ice blasting’s biggest advantages is its versatility. Because it blasts everything from electronic parts to kitchen tile and car bodies, it can be used for a multitude of applications. It is most commonly used in industries such as pharmaceutical, aerospace and automotive; however, because it does not emit any toxic fumes or chemicals, it has been gaining popularity in home environments as well. If you are interested in learning more about how to use dry ice blasting for your specific application contact us today!


When used properly, dry ice blasting is very safe. However, a few safety guidelines are important to keep in mind. First, make sure you read and follow all manufacturer instructions provided with your machine. Most machines recommend using protective gear during operation, so be sure to wear safety goggles and a respirator mask (such as an N95 mask). If your particular model doesn’t come with recommendations for protection, look up common practices online before operating. When possible, work outside and use plenty of ventilation; you don’t want debris flying back at you when working with dry ice! You should also avoid wearing thin fabrics or anything flammable like bare skin or clothing made from natural fibers like cotton or wool.

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